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Procedures offered at Dr. Gray's

Breast Augmentation

During breast augmentation, a customized approach is taken to create the desired shape and size. Small incisions are strategically made, allowing for the insertion of either saline or silicone implants beneath the breast tissue or chest muscle. This creates a fuller and more proportionate appearance, enhancing the contours and balance of the body.

Breast Implant Exchange or Removal

Breast implant exchange offers an opportunity to update or modify your existing implants. This procedure is ideal for women seeking a change in size, type, or position. Whether you're looking for a subtle enhancement or a more significant transformation, our skilled team collaborates closely with you to achieve results that align perfectly with your vision.


For those considering breast implant removal, we provide a compassionate and understanding approach. Reasons for removal can range from personal preference to health considerations. Our focus is on supporting you through this journey, ensuring your well-being and comfort every step of the way.

Breast Lift

During a breast lift also known as a mastopexy, excess skin is removed, and the remaining breast tissue is reshaped to create a firmer and more lifted contour. The nipple and areola are repositioned to a higher position, resulting in a rejuvenated appearance. This procedure does not significantly change breast size but focuses on enhancing shape and elevation.

Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction involves creating a natural-looking breast mound using a variety of surgical techniques. This procedure can be performed immediately after a mastectomy or delayed until a later time. Our focus is on providing you with options and guidance to make informed decisions that align with your personal journey.

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery involves removing excess breast tissue, skin, and fat to achieve a more proportional and comfortable breast size. This procedure not only addresses physical discomfort but also restores a balanced body contour, allowing you to move with greater ease and embrace newfound confidence.

Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty

Upper and lower blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, offers a transformative solution to restore youthful vibrance to the eyes, enhancing your overall appearance and confidence.


Upper blepharoplasty addresses sagging or excess skin on the upper eyelids, which can create a tired or aged appearance. During the procedure, small incisions are discreetly made in the natural creases of the eyelids, allowing for the removal of excess skin and, if necessary, repositioning of fat deposits. The result is a more refreshed and rejuvenated upper eyelid area.


Lower blepharoplasty focuses on under-eye concerns such as puffiness, bags, and wrinkles. The procedure involves carefully placed incisions, either just beneath the lash line or inside the lower eyelid, to access and reposition or remove excess fat and tissue. This results in a smoother, more youthful under-eye contour.

Brow Lift

A brow lift addresses sagging eyebrows and forehead creases, which can create a tired or aged expression. During the procedure, small incisions are strategically made to access and lift the underlying tissues. This results in a smoother forehead, elevated eyebrows, and diminished furrows, framing your eyes with elegance and grace.


Dr. Cynthia Gray's expertise ensures that each brow lift procedure is tailored to your unique anatomy and goals. With an artistic touch and meticulous attention to detail, she strives to achieve results that enhance your features while maintaining a natural appearance.

Lip Lift

A lip lift focuses on enhancing the lip area by shortening the distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose. This procedure creates a more prominent and defined vermilion border (the border between the lip and the skin), resulting in a fuller and more aesthetically pleasing lip contour. It's an ideal solution for those seeking a more youthful and refreshed appearance without the use of fillers.


Liposuction is a transformative procedure that offers a way to refine your body's contours by targeting stubborn pockets of fat that may be resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction involves the gentle removal of excess fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, flanks, arms, and jawline. This procedure is performed using advanced techniques that prioritize your comfort and minimize downtime. Liposuction not only enhances your body's shape but also reveals the contours that have been hidden beneath unwanted fat deposits.

Mommy Makeover

The mommy makeover is a comprehensive and personalized approach that combines transformative procedures to address the changes that can occur after pregnancy and childbirth. A mommy makeover typically includes a combination of procedures tailored to each woman's specific needs. Common components may include breast enhancement (augmentation, lift, or reduction), tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), and liposuction. This customized approach addresses concerns such as breast volume loss, sagging skin, abdominal changes, and stubborn pockets of fat.


Otoplasty addresses concerns related to the shape, size, or positioning of the ears. Whether you're seeking correction for prominent ears, asymmetry, or other ear-related aesthetic issues, this procedure offers a personalized solution. Otoplasty involves reshaping the cartilage and positioning the ears closer to the head, achieving natural-looking results that enhance your overall appearance.


Sculptra Aesthetic is a unique dermal filler that stimulates your body's own collagen production, creating natural-looking and gradual results. Over time, Sculptra works to restore lost volume and improve the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and folds. This treatment offers a subtle enhancement that reflects your beauty in the most natural way.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a transformative procedure designed to create a smoother and more sculpted abdominal contour, enhancing your overall appearance and confidence. Tummy tuck surgery addresses concerns related to excess skin and fat in the abdominal area, often resulting from pregnancy, weight loss, or aging. During the procedure, excess skin is removed, and underlying muscles are tightened, resulting in a firmer and more toned appearance. Tummy tuck surgery provides a solution for those seeking to achieve a flatter and more defined midsection.

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